My art practice is a journey, an experiment, therapy and a tool for deeper discovering myself and the world.

The magical essence of natural elements, rhythms, energies and their cyclical nature has always captivated and enchanted me. The alive pulsating Earth, her powerful elements like water, fire, land, as well as the human body and feelings which are deeply connected to each other, where emotions, pain, pleasure, grief, joy are so raw, truthful, real…in contrast to the deceitful programmed technocratic virtual world.

My process of creation is completely intuitive, it is a combination of internal and external. It is emotional and sensual as I experience creative forces coming through my body. My artworks are a reflection of the confrontation, drama and change of natural elements, and at the same time a human internal emotional landscape, sometimes full of tension and contradictions.

I am inspired by revisited visual references from Abstract Expressionism and Baroque, with their inherent dynamics, fluidity, contrasts and drama, which most fully express my ideas.

I do not limit myself, I explore and experiment with different types of media like acrylics, oils, watercolour, ink, markers, blending them intuitively or working in layers.

I likewise use paste and sand to create a natural texture. When creating collages and drawings, I sometimes combine a black and white pen drawing with a geometric printed pattern to create more contrast and tension. These techniques help me convey the poetry in chaos, beauty and drama in transformation, and even find a portal to the future or invent it by myself.